Many research studies have investigated the effects of peer feedback in the writing classrooms because it is favorably applied in L2 writing teaching for its enormous advantages. However, not many studies conducted in-depth issues of the incorporations of peer feedback into revision. This study is an attempt to fulfil this gap. This 11-week case study reports 92-English-majored students’ experiences of written peer feedback. The study sought to examine the quality of trained written peer feedback and the effects of trained written peer feedback on students’ revision. Based on the analyses of the written feedback, both hard copies and soft copies, participants received, comparisons of their initial and revised drafts, the study showed that most of the peer comments were revision-oriented and the ratios of qualified comments were remarkably higher than the mis-correction ones. In addition, most of the revisions in the second drafts were triggered by peer comments, and the writing quality was significantly improved in both low levels and high levels.
Keywords: Peer feedback; writing quality; writing revision; written feedback; revision-oriented comments