Category: Research

Chapter 4 – Qualitative Data Analysis

Case study You are a graduate student in education tasked with conducting research on improving reading comprehension skills among elementary school students. Your goal is to identify effective strategies and instructional approaches to support students’ comprehension of grade-level texts. You are requested to conduct: Assessments Classroom observations Students interviews Discuss what you are going to…

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Protected: Chapter 3: Data Collection for Qualitative Research

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Protected: Chapter 2 – Overview of Qualitative Research

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Protected: Chapter 1: Introduction to Qualitative Research

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Protected: Chapter 9 – Structure of a Thesis

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Chapter 8: Data Analysis and SPSS Statistics

Using SPSS Statistics specifically, Chapter 8 focuses on data analysis and hypothesis testing in the context of teaching languages. The chapter discusses several data types (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio), how to interpret descriptive statistics, and various hypothesis tests, such as the independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, one-sample t-test, correlation, and one-way ANOVA. Overall,…

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Chapter 7: Population and Sample

The lecture goes through the fundamentals of population and sampling techniques used in research studies, with a focus on language education. It clarifies the meaning of the terms population and sample and the benefits and drawbacks of probability-based and non-probability-based sampling techniques. In order to assure the representativeness and generalizability of the study results, the…

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Chapter 6 – Language tests and assessments

Language exams and assessments are discussed in Chapter 6 of a book on language acquisition and teaching. The many kinds of language exams, their objectives, and the abilities they evaluate are covered in this chapter. Standardized language tests and teacher-created language exams make up the chapter’s two primary components. Tests that have been created and…

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Chapter 5 – Data Collection techniques

Surveys and questionnaires, interviews, observations, experiments, corpus analysis, language exams and assessments, and recording and transcription are just a few of the research techniques covered in Chapter 5 that are often employed in language education research. Each of these research techniques may be used to examine various aspects of language learning and instruction, and each…

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Chapter 4: Quantitative Research Designs

This book’s Chapter 4 specializes on quantitative research strategies. The goal of quantitative research is to measure and analyze numerical data in order to understand, forecast, or regulate occurrences. The primary categories of quantitative research designs—experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, survey, longitudinal, and cross-sectional—will be covered in this chapter. We will go through the features, benefits, and…

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